If you’ve gotten this far, then you must like what you see and look forward to more. I’ll be adding all sorts of notes as I continue to add new pages. The book is done, by the way. I’m at the last stage of adding color. I could always add or modify content. If, say, this book were picked up by a publisher, we could move forward pretty quickly. Otherwise, I’m adding color and having a good time.

I’m not expecting any comments although they are certainly welcome. I’ve come to see my loyal followers as very supportive in many ways but not necessarily eager to comment all that much. Maybe now and then but, hey, it happens when it happens.

This is a good time to say something about the purpose and direction of this work. I dare say that, if you’ve read this far, you’re getting a sense that this is something fun and different. I try to make it all look easy but this has been carefully planned out. It is meant to have a nice casual and earthy vibe. That weird and offbeat spontaneity, call it what you will, is no accident.

It is the most natural thing in the world for me to include myself in this story. That’s an excellent example of my planning ahead. With me as part of the story, it brings our main subject, George, that much closer to the reader. I end up adding layers to the retelling of events. I end up having George interact with me and, in turn, directly interact with the reader.

To the tell the story of a writer and the writing process is quite a unique challenge. Sure, you want to include some scenes of the writer  in the act of writing but then what do you do next? Ah, I think I’ve come up with a most wonderful solution!


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